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HomeLifestyle10 Speedy Tricks to Solve the Cube in Record Time

10 Speedy Tricks to Solve the Cube in Record Time




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The Rubik’s Cube, a timeless puzzle, continues to captivate people around the world. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced solver, learning new tricks to solve the cube faster can be incredibly rewarding. In this blog, we’ll explore 10 speedy tricks to solve cube in record time. Each trick is designed to help you optimize your solving process and reduce your overall solving time.

1. Understand the Basics of Cube Notation

Before diving into advanced tricks, it’s crucial to understand cube notation. Familiarize yourself with the standard notation for moves, including U (Up), D (Down), L (Left), R (Right), F (Front), and B (Back). This foundational knowledge is essential for following algorithms and implementing the tricks effectively.

2. Master the Cross

The first step in solving the Rubik’s Cube is creating a cross on one face. This involves positioning the edge pieces correctly. To speed up this process, practice forming the cross on different faces of the cube. Aim to complete the cross in under 8 moves. Developing muscle memory for this step will significantly reduce your solving time.

3. Efficient F2L (First Two Layers)

F2L refers to solving the first two layers of the cube simultaneously. Instead of solving the first layer and then the second, learn to pair up corner and edge pieces and insert them together. This method is more efficient and can save a considerable amount of time. Practice different F2L algorithms to find the most intuitive ones for you.

4. Two-Look OLL (Orientation of the Last Layer)

The Orientation of the Last Layer (OLL) is a step where you orient all the pieces on the last layer so that the top face is a single color. Instead of learning all 57 OLL algorithms, start with the Two-Look OLL method, which requires only 10 algorithms. This approach involves orienting the edges first, followed by the corners, making it easier to memorize and execute.

5. Two-Look PLL (Permutation of the Last Layer)

Permutation of the Last Layer (PLL) is the final step in solving the cube, where you permute the pieces to complete the puzzle. Similar to OLL, you can use the Two-Look PLL method. This involves solving the corners first, followed by the edges, using a total of 6 algorithms. Practicing these algorithms will help you finish the cube efficiently.

6. Lookahead Techniques

Lookahead is a technique where you plan your next moves while executing the current ones. This helps in reducing pauses between moves and increases your overall solving speed. Practice solving the cube slowly at first, focusing on identifying pieces and planning your next steps. Gradually increase your speed as you become more comfortable with lookahead.

7. Finger Tricks and Turn Speed

Improving your finger tricks can drastically reduce your solving time. Finger tricks involve using specific fingers to execute moves quickly and efficiently. Practice turning the cube with minimal regrips and aim for smooth, fluid movements. Consistent practice will help you develop faster turn speeds and improve your overall solving time.

8. Optimize Your Algorithms

While standard algorithms are effective, they may not always be the fastest. Experiment with different algorithms and find the ones that work best for you. Customize your solving approach by incorporating algorithms that are intuitive and quick to execute. This personalization can lead to significant improvements in your solving speed.

9. Practice Regularly

Consistent practice is key to improving your Rubik’s Cube solving skills. Set aside dedicated time each day to practice solving the cube. Focus on different aspects of your solving process, such as cross, F2L, OLL, and PLL. Regular practice will help you internalize algorithms, enhance your lookahead techniques, and develop faster solving times.

10. Compete and Learn from Others

Participating in competitions and engaging with the cubing community can provide valuable insights and motivation. Watch tutorials, join online forums, and attend local cubing events to learn from others. Analyzing the techniques of experienced solvers can inspire you to refine your methods and discover new tricks to solve the cube in record time.


Mastering the Rubik’s Cube requires patience, practice, and a willingness to learn new techniques. By incorporating these 10 speedy tricks into your solving routine, you’ll be well on your way to achieving record times. Remember to focus on understanding the basics, practicing regularly, and optimizing your solving methods. With dedication and persistence, you’ll see significant improvements in your solving speed and enjoy the satisfaction of solving the Rubik’s Cube in record time. Happy cubing!


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