7 Ways To Get Rid of Acne Scars

Acne Scar Treatment in South Delhi

Acne is a highly common, frequently annoying condition that can cause dark patches and scars. If searching for a quick cure, the best option is a little concealer, as most acne scar removal techniques take time to show results. However, many seek a long-term solution and seek effective dermatologically approved Acne Scar Treatment in South Delhi. Here’s a closer look at the many kinds of acne scars, their best treatment options, and their underlying causes.

What Causes Acne?

Deep, red, painful skin lesions caused by inflammatory acne can harm the skin’s underlying collagen and the skin itself. Collagen is produced by the body as these wounds heal. Acne scars that don’t match the surrounding skin tone result from too much or too little collagen formation.

A few things can make scarring more likely, such as:

  • Genetics (e.g., a close relative with acne scarring),
  • Postponing inflammatory acne treatment
  • picking or popping acne
  • The severity of acne is correlated with the degree of scarring a person would sustain.

What are the Types of Acne Scars?

  • Depressed (Atrophic) Scars

Reduced collagen in the skin while healing leads to depression scars from acne. Types include:

  • Icepick scars are tiny, deep holes in the skin.
  • Boxcar scars are broader oval or round regions of sunken skin with prominent edges that resemble chicken pox scars.
  • Rolling atrophic scars are large depressions in the skin that have a rolling or undulating look, like an “M” pattern.
  • Raised (Hypertrophic) Scars

As the skin recovers from acne, it may produce an excess of collagen, which results in raised scars. These scars commonly appear on the chest and back.

  • Dark Spots (post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation).

While black spots are not scars, they are a noticeable sign of acne. Acne’s inflammatory process can cause hyperpigmentation, or darker coloration, where it has healed.

What is the Time Frame Required for Acne Scars to Fade?

Acne scars don’t go away entirely by themselves. Because skin loses collagen with age, depression and acne scars frequently grow more apparent. However, acne scars might be less apparent with several treatments.

Within a few months, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation or redness may go away on its own. For some, however, it can take years for it to go away on its own without treatment.

How To Get Rid of Acne Scars? 

The ways to get rid of acne scars will vary based on the type and severity of the scars. Treatment should not begin until the acne is healed.

Dermatologically Approved Acne Scars Treatments

  1. Resurfacing treatments. Laser therapy, dermabrasion, microdermabrasion, and chemical peels can help improve the appearance of shallow acne scars. They all involve removing layers of skin cells to encourage the skin to regenerate new cells. 

If one has darker skin, one may want to avoid dermabrasion, which can cause scarring and discoloration. Some laser therapies may accomplish this as well. However, Nd: YAG lasers are generally safer for darker skin.

  • Fillers. The dermatologist can cover shallower scars with hyaluronic acid, collagen, or the patient’s own fat. Results often last a few months, but some fillers are permanent.
  • Microneedling. This treatment, also known as collagen induction therapy, is an excellent choice if one has many depressed acne scars. It involves using a motorized microneedling pen with revolving needles. The pen is rubbed into depressed acne scars to increase collagen formation.
  • Radiofrequency Skin Tightening. This treatment can sometimes be useful for deep icepicks and boxcar scars. Radiofrequency is used by the doctor to tighten the skin and minimize the visibility of depressed acne scars. 
  • Subscision. This method involves inserting a sterilized needle into the skin and utilizing it to disturb fibrous scar tissue and “loosen” depressed scars.
  • Injections. A series of medical injections, such as corticosteroids, can flatten and soften elevated and thick scars.
  • Surgery. Surgery either raises or breaks up tissue, which lessens the visibility of depressed acne scars. Cryosurgery removes elevated acne scars, although it is not suitable for persons with darker skin.

Get in Touch with the Best Dermatologist in South Delhi

Acne scars might still worsen even after receiving various treatments that can reduce their visibility. However, because the majority of scars are permanent, a skin specialist can advise on the best course of action to reduce the visibility of the scars. One can consult Dr. Anika Goel at Soul Derma Clinic. She offers effective acne scar treatment and believes that the greatest method for dealing with acne scars is to avoid acne in the first place. Acne scars are less likely to develop if one has fewer breakouts. The Best Dermatologist in South Delhi adds that no matter how tempting, resist popping, plucking, or squeezing any breakouts to avoid irritating the skin and damaging the underlying tissue, which can cause scarring.

The doctor is available for consultations at Soul Derma Clinic. Pay a visit now!