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The Most Powerful Dua to Forget Someone You Love and Move On




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Love is one of the most powerful emotions humans experience. It brings happiness, fulfillment, and connection. But what happens when love no longer serves us? Moving on can feel impossible when the person we love is no longer a part of our lives. Whether it’s due to a breakup, unrequited feelings, or any other reason, forgetting someone we once loved can be one of life’s greatest challenges. However, as with all things in Islam, there is a way to seek help through the power of dua (prayer). If you struggle to move on, here’s how the most powerful dua to forget someone you love can help you heal and find peace.

The Importance of Moving On

Before diving into the specific duas, it’s crucial to understand the significance of letting go. Holding onto painful emotions, especially love that no longer brings joy, can be harmful. It may affect your mental health, spiritual well-being, and overall happiness. Allah (SWT) encourages us to seek His guidance in every aspect of our lives, including emotional struggles. Reciting a dua to forget about someone is a way to surrender to His wisdom, trusting that He knows what’s best for you.

Dua to Forget Someone You Love

When you’re overwhelmed with memories and emotions of someone you loved, reciting a dua can help ease your heart. One of the most powerful duas to forget someone is the following:

“Allahumma ajurni fee museebati wakhluf li khayran minha”

Translation: “O Allah, reward me in my affliction and replace it for me with something better.”

This dua helps you find peace in your affliction and reminds you that Allah (SWT) has something better planned for you. By reciting this dua consistently, you are placing your trust in Allah and seeking His assistance in moving on.

Dua to Stop Thinking About Someone

Often, even after deciding to move on, our minds refuse to cooperate. We may find ourselves constantly thinking about the person, rehashing memories, or imagining what could have been. If you are struggling with these intrusive thoughts, you can recite this dua to stop thinking about someone:

“Rabbi inni lima anzalta ilayya min khayrin faqeer”

Translation: “My Lord, indeed I am, for whatever good You would send down to me, in need.”

This dua acknowledges that you need Allah’s help to rid your mind of thoughts that are holding you back. It reminds you to look forward to the good that Allah has in store for you, rather than clinging to past emotions.

Dua to Get Over Someone

Getting over someone you loved isn’t just about forgetting them; it’s about healing and moving forward. Another dua to get over someone that can bring comfort and help in healing is:

“Hasbiyallahu la ilaha illa huwa, ‘alayhi tawakkaltu wa huwa rabbul ‘arshil ‘azim”

Translation: “Sufficient for me is Allah; there is no deity except Him. On Him I have relied, and He is the Lord of the Great Throne.”

This dua is a reminder that Allah is sufficient for all our needs, including emotional healing. Trusting Allah and placing your heart in His hands will help you navigate through the pain and come out stronger.

Dua to Make Someone Forget Something You Did

Sometimes, we are troubled not only by our own emotions but also by the knowledge that someone else may be holding onto memories of us. If you wish for someone else to forget something hurtful that occurred, you can make the following dua to make someone forget something you did:

“Rabbana la tuzigh quloobana ba’da idh hadaytana wahab lana min ladunka rahmah innaka antal wahhab”

Translation: “Our Lord, do not let our hearts deviate after You have guided us, and grant us from Yourself mercy. Indeed, You are the Bestower.”

By reciting this dua, you are asking Allah to guide the hearts of others and grant them the ability to let go of any negative emotions or memories they may hold.

Dua to Forget the Pain and Move Forward

Emotional pain can linger long after the person is gone from your life. If you find yourself struggling to move forward because of the hurt, reciting a dua for healing can help soothe your heart. One such Islamic dua to forget someone you love and heal your pain is:

“Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un. Allahumma’jurni fee museebati wakhluf lee khayran minha”

Translation: “Indeed, we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return. O Allah, reward me in my affliction and replace it for me with something better.”

This dua reminds us that everything in this life is temporary, including our emotions and relationships. It emphasizes the belief that everything happens according to Allah’s plan, and He will replace your pain with something better if you trust in Him.

The Power of Patience and Trust in Allah

It’s important to remember that dua is a powerful tool, but healing takes time. Trust in Allah’s plan, and be patient with yourself as you work through your emotions. Even when the pain feels overwhelming, know that Allah (SWT) is always near, and He will guide you toward peace and healing.

Along with making dua, engaging in acts of worship such as reading Quran, offering salah, and increasing your connection with Allah will also aid in the healing process. Trust that everything that happens is for your ultimate benefit, and know that Allah will help you move forward when the time is right.


In moments of heartache and emotional turmoil, we often feel lost, but Islam provides us with the tools to cope. Through reciting the most powerful dua to forget someone, we are reminded of Allah’s presence and His plan for us. Whether you are seeking to forget someone, stop thinking about someone, or move on from a painful memory, the power of dua, combined with faith and patience, can help you find peace.

While time and distance play their roles in healing, turning to Allah with sincere prayers ensures that you are never alone in your journey toward emotional recovery. So, whenever you feel overwhelmed with thoughts of someone from your past, remember to make dua, trust in Allah, and take steps toward a brighter future filled with new opportunities and happiness.

Contact Details To Get in Touch with Sufi Mahbub Shah

Email: emandua254@gmail.com

Contact- +91-9855464838 

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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/emandua254/

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