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HomeBusinessMarketingEffective Ways to Get More Instagram Followers Through Comments

Effective Ways to Get More Instagram Followers Through Comments




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Instagram has become one of the most popular social media platforms, and everyone wants to get more Instagram followers. Gaining followers can be challenging, but using comments strategically is an excellent way to grow your audience.

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In this blog post, we’ll explore effective ways to get more Instagram followers through comments.

Why Comments Matter

Before diving into the strategies, it’s essential to understand why comments matter. Comments show engagement. When you leave thoughtful comments, it signals that you’re an active member of the community.

This engagement can attract new followers and help build a stronger presence on Instagram.

Engaging with Popular Accounts

One of the best ways to get more Instagram followers is by engaging with popular accounts. When you comment on posts from influencers or popular accounts in your niche, you increase your visibility. Here’s how you can do it effectively:

Find Relevant Accounts

Look for accounts that share similar interests or content related to your niche. Follow them and engage with their posts regularly.

Leave Thoughtful Comments

Avoid generic comments like “Nice post!” Instead, write something meaningful that adds value to the conversation. For example, if an influencer shares a travel photo, or comment with a question or a personal experience related to that destination.

Be Consistent

Consistency is key. Make it a habit to comment on popular accounts regularly. This keeps you visible and shows that you’re genuinely interested in the community.

Using Hashtags Strategically

Another effective method to get more Instagram followers is by using hashtags. Hashtags help categorize content and make it discoverable. When you use relevant hashtags in your comments, it can attract users who follow or search for those tags.

Research Popular Hashtags

Identify popular hashtags in your niche. Use tools like Instagram’s search function or third-party apps to find trending hashtags related to your content.

Combine Niche and Popular Tags

Mix niche-specific hashtags with popular ones to reach a broader audience. For example, if you’re a food blogger, use hashtags like #Foodie (popular) and #VeganRecipes (niche-specific).

Engage in Hashtag Communities

Join conversations under popular hashtags by leaving meaningful comments. Engaging in these communities can draw attention to your profile and attract new followers.

Hosting Comment-Based Contests

Hosting contests is a fantastic way to get more Instagram followers. Comment-based contests, in particular, encourage engagement and can lead to a significant increase in followers.

Create a Simple Contest

Design a contest that requires participants to comment on your post. For instance, ask a question and have users respond in the comments for a chance to win a prize.

Promote the Contest

Promote your contest through your stories, other social media platforms, and by collaborating with influencers. The more visibility your contest gets, the more participants (and potential followers) you’ll attract.

Announce Winners Publicly

Announce the winners publicly in your comments and stories. This transparency builds trust and encourages more people to participate in future contests.

Engaging with Followers

Engaging with your current followers can also help you get more Instagram followers. When your followers feel appreciated and valued, they’re more likely to engage with your content and share it with their networks.

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Respond to Comments

Make it a point to respond to comments on your posts. This shows that you appreciate your followers’ engagement and encourage them to keep interacting with your content.

Feature User-Generated Content

Feature content created by your followers. When followers see their content featured on your profile, it creates a sense of community and encourages others to engage more.

Commenting on New Posts Quickly

Being among the first to comment on new posts can also help you get more Instagram followers. Early comments often get more visibility, especially on popular accounts.

Turn on Post Notifications

Enable notifications for accounts you want to engage with. This way, you’ll be alerted when they post new content, allowing you to comment promptly.

Leave Engaging Comments

When you’re among the first to comment, make sure your comment stands out. Ask a question, share a thought, or compliment the post in a meaningful way.

Monitor Your Engagement

Keep track of which posts and comments get the most engagement. This can help you refine your strategy and focus on the types of comments that attract new followers.


Using comments strategically is a powerful way to get more Instagram followers. By engaging with popular accounts, using hashtags, hosting contests, interacting with your followers, and commenting on new posts quickly, you can significantly increase your visibility and attract more followers. Remember, consistency and authenticity are crucial. Stay active, be genuine, and watch your follower count grow!

By following these strategies, you’ll be well on your way to boosting your Instagram presence and gaining more followers. Happy commenting!

FAQs: Get More Instagram Followers Through Comments

  1. Q: Can leaving comments help me get more Instagram followers?
    • A: Yes, leaving thoughtful comments on posts can increase your visibility and attract new followers. Engaging with popular accounts and using relevant hashtags in your comments can significantly enhance your chances of gaining followers.
  2. Q: How often should I comment on posts to see results?
    • A: Consistency is key when it comes to leaving comments. Aim to engage with popular accounts in your niche regularly. However, it’s important to prioritize quality over quantity. Leave meaningful comments that add value to the conversation.
  3. Q: Are there any specific strategies for hosting comment-based contests?
    • A: When hosting a comment-based contest, it’s essential to make the rules clear and simple. Encourage participants to leave comments that resonate with your brand or theme. Promote the contest across your social media channels to maximize participation and visibility.
  4. Q: How can I encourage my followers to engage with my content?
    • A: Responding to comments on your posts shows your followers that you value their engagement. Additionally, asking questions in your captions or stories can spark conversations and encourage followers to share their thoughts.
  5. Q: Is it really beneficial to comment on new posts quickly?
    • A: Yes, commenting on new posts promptly can increase your visibility, especially on popular accounts. By turning on post notifications for accounts you want to engage with, you can be among the first to comment and increase your chances of attracting new followers.
  6. Q: Will using hashtags in my comments help me get more followers?
    • A: Yes, using relevant hashtags in your comments can make your content more discoverable. Research popular hashtags in your niche and use them strategically to attract users who are interested in similar content.
  7. Q: How can I ensure that my comments are engaging and stand out?
    • A: Avoid generic comments like “Nice post!” Instead, try to personalize your comments by asking questions, sharing personal experiences, or complimenting specific aspects of the post. Engaging comments are more likely to catch the attention of both the account owner and other users.
  8. Q: What should I do if I receive negative comments on my posts?
    • A: Responding to negative comments with professionalism and empathy can help diffuse the situation. Address the issue calmly and offer solutions if necessary. Remember to prioritize constructive dialogue and maintain a positive tone in your responses.


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