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HomeTravelDiscover the Best Desert Activities in Dubai

Discover the Best Desert Activities in Dubai




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Dubai is a city that dazzles with its modernity, yet it holds an ancient charm within its vast desert landscapes. These sandy expanses offer an array of thrilling and unique activities that provide visitors with unforgettable experiences. From adrenaline-pumping adventures to serene romantic escapes, Dubai’s desert is a playground waiting to be explored. Here’s a detailed guide to the top desert activities in Dubai. When planning your trip, don’t forget to arrange your Dubai visa in advance. It’s also advisable to bring a hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen to protect against the sun.

1. Desert Safari

A desert safari is a quintessential Dubai experience. It offers a blend of excitement and cultural immersion. You’ll embark on a journey through the golden dunes in a 4×4 vehicle, driven by an experienced guide who maneuvers through the sandy terrain at thrilling speeds. This adventure often includes activities such as:

  • Dune Bashing: Feel the adrenaline as you traverse the rolling dunes.
  • Camel Riding: Experience the traditional mode of desert transport.
  • Desert Dining: Enjoy a lavish dinner under the stars with traditional Arabian entertainment like belly dancing and Tanoura shows.


  • Fact: Over 20 million tourists visited Dubai in 2019, and a significant portion experienced desert safaris.

2. Sandboarding

If you enjoy snowboarding, you’ll love sandboarding. This sport involves sliding down the dunes on a board, providing a unique thrill as you glide over the soft, sandy slopes. Sandboarding is suitable for all ages and skill levels, making it a perfect family activity.

3. Quad Biking

Quad biking offers an exhilarating way to explore the desert. Ride powerful all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) across the rugged landscape, navigating through the dunes and feeling the rush of the open desert. Safety gear and instructions are provided, ensuring a safe yet adventurous experience.


  • Fact: Adventure tourism, including quad biking, contributes significantly to Dubai’s tourism revenue, which was $27.9 billion in 2019.

4. Camel Racing

Camel racing is a traditional sport in the UAE, and watching these majestic creatures compete is a fascinating experience. Races typically take place in the early morning, and visitors can cheer for their favorite camels while learning about this ancient sport’s cultural significance.

5. Hot Air Balloon Rides

Soar above the desert at dawn in a hot air balloon. This serene activity offers breathtaking views of the endless sand dunes, the rising sun, and even wildlife like gazelles and Arabian oryx. The tranquility and beauty of the desert from above are unmatched, providing a perfect photo opportunity.

6. Stargazing

Dubai’s desert is an ideal location for stargazing. Far from the city lights, the clear desert sky offers an incredible view of the stars. The Dubai Astronomy Group organizes events where you can observe celestial bodies through high-powered telescopes and learn about the night sky from experts.

7. Eco-Friendly Dining at Sonara Camp

Sonara Camp offers a unique dining experience in the heart of the desert. This eco-friendly camp provides gourmet meals under the stars, combining luxury with sustainability. Enjoy a menu crafted by top chefs, featuring dishes that blend local and international flavors, all while surrounded by the natural beauty of the desert.

8. Overnight Desert Camp

For a truly immersive experience, spend a night in the desert at a luxury camp like Al Maha Desert Resort & Spa. These camps offer comfortable accommodations, private pools, and a chance to enjoy the desert’s serenity. Engage in activities such as camel treks, archery, and wildlife spotting, then relax in your tented villa under the starry sky.

9. Falconry

Falconry is an integral part of UAE culture, and experiencing it firsthand is a must. You can watch trained falcons display their hunting skills and even try your hand at this ancient art. Falconry demonstrations often include insights into the history and significance of this practice in Emirati heritage.

10. Paramotoring

For the ultimate aerial adventure, try paramotoring. This activity involves flying with a motor-powered paraglider, offering stunning views of the desert from above. It’s an exhilarating experience that combines the thrill of flight with the beauty of the landscape below.

FAQ Section

Q1: What is the best time to visit the Dubai desert?

  • A1: The best time to visit is from November to March when the weather is cooler and more pleasant for outdoor activities.

Q2: Are desert activities safe for children?

  • A2: Yes, many desert activities, such as camel riding and sandboarding, are family-friendly. However, it’s best to check age restrictions for activities like quad biking and dune bashing.

Q3: What should I wear for desert activities?

  • A3: Wear light, comfortable clothing and sturdy footwear. It’s also advisable to bring a hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen to protect against the sun.

Q4: Can I book desert activities in advance?

  • A4: Yes, it’s recommended to book activities in advance through tour operators or online platforms to secure your spot and avoid last-minute hassles.


Dubai’s desert offers a myriad of activities that cater to every type of traveler. Whether you’re seeking adventure, culture, or relaxation, the desert has something special to offer. your desert adventure today and create unforgettable memories that will last a lifetime. For more information on visas and travel requirements to Dubai, visit 


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