E-Book Ghostwriting Tips | It Is Not As Hard As You Think


You want to become a writer, don’t you? This is why you have told everyone from your Facebook group mates to that annoying neighbor of yours that you are available to write for them.

You have been working on blog post after blog post to display your skills and get your name out there. You might have worked on a few freelance jobs already, too. Bravo!

One chirpy morning, you receive an email from a potential client asking you, “Do you offer ghostwriting services?” Instead of screaming with joy, you are left stumped.

There is a chance that you have heard of ghostwriting. Maybe you even have a faint idea of what these ghostwriters do. Or maybe you think it involves Ouija boards in one way or another.

No matter what you think of it, let us face it: you don’t know what ghostwriting is.

And you certainly do not want to look like an absolute idiot by emailing your prospective client back to say, “Err. Ghostwriting? What is that?” That sounds like a great plan to send that client running for the hills.

Well, worry not! We are about to tell you all you need to know about the artistry of ghostwriting, starting with…

What Is Ghostwriting?

Oh, you do have some faint ideas about ghostwriting; it is used for celebrity memoirs, right? Ha! To burst your bubble, we want you to know that memoirs are only the tip of the iceberg. Ghostwriting is a very broad category. It is present everywhere, from individual authors using self-publishing to renowned bloggers using WordPress. So, basically, what the ghost writers do is they write for someone else and forsake any authorship credit – at all. Now that you are aware of what ghostwriting is let us see how you can become one.

4 Proven Tips To Become A Ghostwriter

If you find yourself nodding while reading what we said above, then you might be wondering yourself, “Yeah, yeah… But how would I become one?” Spoiler Alert! In the same manner, you became a freelance writer! Here are some expert tips:

Enhance Your Content Creation Skills

If you are willing to become a ghostwriter, you need to have a clear understanding of how you can create quality content. What we are trying to say is that you make sure of the following things:

  1. Keep your readers emotionally engaged
  2. Learn how to write solid headlines
  3. Know how to support your arguments with examples
  4. Master content frameworks… and much more

There is nothing that can affect your ability to earn tangible, real $$$ as a striving ghostwriter more than your ability to tailor outstanding content. If you are clueless about creating catchy content, then it is never too late to learn, is it?

Learn The Ins And Outs Of SEO

If you are able to write compelling content that ranks well on Google, then we assure you that your clients will pay you hefty amounts happily. Heck, your clients will even throw money at you. However, if you are wondering how to make your content rank on Google, then here is your answer: learn all you can about Search Engine Optimization (SEO). After you have a clear understanding of the best SEO practices, apply what you learn to your tailored content. And that is it!

Build An Outstanding Portfolio Of Sample Content

It goes without saying that you need to have an outstanding portfolio of the sample content that you wrote all by yourself. Generally, you should have three levels of portfolio, i.e.:

  1. A portfolio that highlights your writing skills
  2. One that shows you truly are an expert on the given topic
  3. And one that displays documented success for customers

However, if you are only a budding ghostwriter, then focus on only the first level. A strong portfolio will help you prove that you are well aware of creating a decent piece of content. Hardly three to five samples will be enough to get you started right away. If you don’t know how to create one, then look at the portfolios of various online eBook Ghostwriting services. By doing so, you will get a great idea.

Find Your First Paying Client

You might find it difficult to hunt down clients in the first few days. Even if you possess strong content writing skills and abilities, a compelling portfolio to prove your claims, and great know-how about SEO, getting clients without referrals and word of mouth would not be easy. However, we assure you that it will get better with time. Here are some tips to attract more clients:

  1. Do as much self-promotion as you can, including mentioning your ghostwriting service in the byline of your blog posts.
  2. Keep checking job agency postings
  3. Pitch to famous software company blogs like Ahrefs, HubSpot, and Sumo.

It might be a time-consuming process in the beginning. However, once you get those first few clients, you will be all set. Do your best to make your clients satisfied, and those referrals will happen without a hitch.

How much should I charge to ghostwrite an eBook?

Ghostwriting fees for an eBook can be charged per word ($1 to $3), on an hourly basis ($30 to $200), per project ($5,000 to $100,000 and even more). It depends on your genre and accomplishments. If you are skilled and more experienced, then you should charge per project, with an additional hourly fee if your project scope exceeds.

Is writing eBooks profitable?

Yes, indeed, eBook writing can be very profitable. However, the success is based on several factors such as target audience, quality of content, pricing strategy, effective marketing, and much more. With lower distribution and production costs as compared to traditional print books, eBooks hold the potential to produce decent profits if executed properly.

Are eBooks worth writing?

Yes, eBooks are absolutely worth writing, but merely publishing one is not enough. These eBooks are only profitable when they are marketed and sold properly. A lot of authors who self-publish their eBooks on Amazon potentially make more than $1000 per month.

How can I get clients as a ghostwriter?

Ghostwriters should invest some thought and time to build their online presence on different social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. Another great way to attract clients is through word of mouth, so feel free to ask your happy and satisfied clients to recommend your services to their friends and family. 

Summing It All Up!

So, hurry on and reply to your prospective client, saying, “Sure, I offer ghostwriting services.” Because by reading the information provided above, you know all about it. And if you follow these tips, there is no way you will mess up. The funniest thing about being a ghostwriter is no matter whether you write some record-breaking music or build castles out of the royalties you get, at the end of the day, you will only be a ghost. This is exactly why the artistry of ghostwriting demands the skills of a selfless writer. If you think you possess this trait, then go ahead and become a ghostwriter. We are sure you are going to become a great one.