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HomeAutoExploring Abu Dhabi 's Hidden Gems with a Rental Car

Exploring Abu Dhabi ‘s Hidden Gems with a Rental Car




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If you wish to find out more about the less popular but fantastic tourist attractions in this region of the United Arab Emirates, keep reading. Surprisingly, rent a car in Abu Dhabi can help plan a route, take visitors off the beaten track and discover the unknown corners of the city. This article was created especially for those who plan an independent trip to Abu Dhabi  and is devoted to the old part of the city.

Begin it from the wonderful Old Town of Abu Dhabi  that captures the imagination of any traveler. When you are driving a rental car, it will be extremely easy to follow the curved roads to discover historical traditions of the city. If you’re into culture, then head for the Abu Dhabi  Museum which will present to you the cultural richness of the place or for the shopaholics-visit the souks to bargain the traditional artifacts and spices.

Explore the Stunning Beaches

Abu Dhabi ; the latest addition to the emirate is well known for its beach front, beach lovers can therefore use the rented car and head straight to the city’s beaches. Ride along this coastal road and take as many pictures with the blue waters of the Arabian Gulf in the background while stopping at less crowded places to have at least some quiet and look at the amazingly clear water.

Travel to Mangrove Forests

Even if you only have a couple of days in the city there are and still many places to visit like Mangrove Forests of Abu Dhabi  that is situated just a few kilometers away from the downtown. A car is also available for hire for a flexible road trip across the vegetable greenery and loam land paradise where you may see birds, crabs, and sometimes even a gazelle.

Discover Abu Dhabi ‘s Architectural Gems

Abu Dhabi  is gifted with wonderful architectural designs, and with your rental car, it will be easier for you to move around the region and explore more buildings. You can go to the Abu Dhabi  Palace – a beautiful building which has an unusual history and now serves as a luxurious hotel or to the Abu Dhabi  Mosque – one of the biggest in the UAE.

Discover Abu Dhabi  without Transportation Hassles through Car Rental

If you want to fully explore the wonderful views of the emirate of Abu Dhabi , then it is better to rent a car in one of the well-established companies. There are tremendous and vast numbers of car rental companies such as Great Dubai, so it would not be hard to look for an ideal car for your needs and financial capacities. When renting a car, you can visit the places you wish to explore in Abu Dhabi  with out any restriction or influence from anyone and this will enable you to discover the true potentials of this city.

Begin thinking about how you would like to start your excursion through the lands of Abu Dhabi , and remember that a rental car would be particularly beneficial.


Abu Dhabi  is one of the most engaging cities due to its interesting moniker and many profound attractions, and renting a car is the best way to explore all the secrets. Fuelling the appearance of the filming locations, there is much to do in this lively Emirati city, from wandering around the beautiful town, to the beaches and mangrove forests.

When you hire a car from a dependable supplier like Great Dubai, you can roam around the ancient city of Abu Dhabi  according to your own timetable that will allow you to tap deep into the essence of the place. Regardless of the reasons for the visit, leisure, culture, for the beautiful sands of the beaches or the facades of the architectural marvel; Abu Dhabi  is best seen and experienced with the help of a rental car.


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