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HomeBusinessGolden Rules to Make Your Custom Business Cards Stand Out

Golden Rules to Make Your Custom Business Cards Stand Out




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Often, business cards the first impression on clients and prospects. Like any first impression, a business card has to stand out and differentiate your brand from your competitors. If your business card is not interesting, it is more likely to get tossed. It will show your prospective customers or clients that you think about things differently. You need to care about the details and produce high-quality cards. An attractive design, which saliently communicates your brand, paired with top-quality stock can make all the difference.

Here are a few creative ways to make your custom business cards stand out.

a) Use a Unique Material

There are different types of paper you can use for your business card. However, most business cards use the standard white card stock. Go for heavier weights of paper, which will make the card feel more stable.

You can consider textured papers, too. In case your brand leverages unique textures already, bringing in the textures on one or both faces of the card is a great way to catch the attention of the audience. Business cards printing has come a long way in recent times and there you can go beyond paper to wood, plastic, or even metal. These alternative material options get noticed and are remembered if they are meaningful.

b) Share an Evergreen Tip

Using the back of the business card as a place to display original imagery, you can use it for sharing your expertise, too, including a useful tip. People are more likely to hold on to the card if it contains details that they might require.

For instance, if you are a plumber, you can simply share a useful tip on how to fix a running toilet. When your potential customers hold on to the card for the tip it provides, they will also hold on to the contact details.

c) Add Some Color

Look for various colors, too. White is not the only option you have at hand. Papers are available in a wide range of colors and subtle brand patterns can be an effective trick to take the card to a whole new level.

Another great idea is to sandwich 2-3 different colored papers together. You have the option to create a heavier-weight card with different colors for the front and back. In fact, you can also create a border with accent-colored paper in the middle of two non-accent colors.

d) Transform Your Card into a Coupon

Another excellent to get people to hold on to your business card Edmonton design is to make it serve a double purpose as a coupon. Use the space at the back of the business card to share a deal that is just for cardholders, such as a 10% discount on the total bill when they showcase the card during the service.

Even if they don’t need your product or service, they can hang on to the card if they require it later. It is the best way to stand out in case you are in sales or some other field where the card is less about creative design and more about garnering leads.

e) Go for Rounded Corners

Add a tad extra character to the business card printing Canada by getting it notched or round-cornered. Round cornering helps in getting rid of the hard edges, giving the business card a more sophisticated and sleeker feel. Moreover, round cornering can increase the card’s durability as it is less likely to dent or fold around the edges.

f) Map It Out

In case you want to go visual and are not quite sure how try putting a map on the business cards Montrealthat either directs to your office or just outlines the service area. Maps are practical, streamlined, and nice to look at. Also, it is an efficient use of space.


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