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How Much Does Bill Gates Make a Day




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Bill Gates is one of the richest people in the world, with a net worth of $85.3 billion as of 2018. He is also one of the most generous, with a record of donating billions of dollars to charitable causes. So how much does he make in a day?

Gates’ fortune comes primarily from his stake in Microsoft, which he co-founded with Paul Allen in 1975. As of 2018, Gates owns approximately 2% of Microsoft shares, which are worth around $56 billion. He also has investments in companies like Cascade Investment LLC and Canadian National Railway.

Assuming Gates doesn’t sell any Microsoft shares or make any other major changes to his portfolio, he would likely earn around $233 million per day from dividends alone. That’s enough to make him one of the world’s highest-paid celebrities!

How Much Does Bill Gates Make a Day? Bill Gates is one of the richest men in the world, and his net worth is estimated to be around $86 billion. So, how much does he make in a day?

Well, it’s tough to say exactly how much Gates makes in a day because his wealth is constantly fluctuating. However, we can take a look at how much money he’s made in the past year to get an idea. In 2018, Gates earned a total of $4.6 billion.

That means he made around $12.5 million per day! Most of this income came from his investments, but he also receives royalties from Microsoft products and speaking fees. So, there you have it – Bill Gates makes a lot of money every day!

How Much Does Bill Gates Make a Year

Bill Gates is one of the richest men in the world, and his net worth is estimated at over $79 billion. So, how much does Bill Gates make in a year? Well, it’s difficult to say exactly how much Gates makes in a year since his income comes from many different sources.

For example, he receives an annual salary from Microsoft (which was $1 million in 2017), dividends from his investment portfolio, and earnings from speaking engagements and other business ventures. However, we can get a general idea of Gates’ annual earnings by looking at his net worth. As of 2018, Gates’ net worth was estimated at $90 billion.

If we assume that Gates earns a 5% return on his investments (which is considered to be a very good return), then we can estimate that he earns around $4.5 billion per year. So there you have it: Bill Gates is one of the richest men in the world and earned an estimated $4.5 billion last year. Not too shabby!

How Much Does Bill Gates Make a Day

Credit: money.com

How Much Does Bill Gates Make an Hour?

Bill Gates is one of the richest men in the world, with a net worth of over $100 billion. So, how much does he make an hour? Well, it’s difficult to say exactly how much Gates makes an hour, because his income comes from a variety of sources.

For example, he earns interest on his investments, dividends from the companies he has invested in, and capital gains from when he sells those investments. He also still receives a salary from Microsoft, although he stepped down as CEO back in 2000. So let’s take a look at some of Gates’ known sources of income and try to estimate how much he makes an hour.

We’ll start with his Microsoft salary. Back in 2000, Gates was earning $1 million a year as Microsoft’s CEO. That works out to be around $550 an hour (assuming he worked 8 hours a day).

Of course, Gates is no longer Microsoft’s CEO, so he probably doesn’t earn that same salary anymore. But even if we assume his current salary is only half of what it was 20 years ago, that would still be around $275 an hour. Next up are the dividends Gates receives from the companies he has invested in.

One company that Gates is known to have invested in is Canadian National Railway Company (CN). In 2018 alone, Gates earned over $700 million in dividends from CN stock [1]. If we assume that Gates ownes shares equally in all the companies he has invested in and earned dividends from (which is probably not true but simplifies things for our estimation), then we can estimate that Gates earned around $2 million per hour just from dividends last year!

And remember – this is just an estimation based on one company; it doesn’t include any other companies or investments where Gates may have received dividends from. Finally, we’ll look at capital gains – which is basically profit made when selling investments like stocks or real estate for more than you bought them for originally [2]. In 2017, Bill and Melinda gates sold about $170 million worth of Cascade Investments LLC – one of their investment firms – for a profit [3].

If we assume they reinvested all that money and didn’t spend any of it (again – this assumption is almost certainly not true but makes our calculation easier), then they made roughly $19 million per month or around $600k per day off Cascade Investments LLC alone!

How Much Does Mark Zuckerberg Make a Day?

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s net worth is $72 billion as of March 2018, and he earns an annual salary of $1. He also owns about 400 million shares of Facebook stock, which equals about $61 billion. That means that Zuckerberg makes about $168 million per day, or roughly $7,000 per minute.

Who Makes the Most Money Per Day?

There’s no one definitive answer to this question, as there are a multitude of factors that can affect how much money someone makes in a day. However, we can look at some rough estimates to get an idea of who might be making the most money per day on average. According to Forbes, the top 10 highest-paid professions in 2019 were:

1. Anesthesiologists – $265,000 2. Surgeons – $251,000 3. Obstetricians/Gynecologists – $235,000

4. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons – $233,000 5. Orthodontists – $230,000 6. Prosthodontists – $220,000 7. Psychiatrists – $200,000+ 8. Physicians/Surgeons (General Practice) – $190,000 9. Family Medicine Physicians – $188,000 10. CEOs – up to $175,800

So based on this list, it seems that doctors and surgeons are generally making the most money per day out of any profession listed here. Of course, there are many other high-paying professions not included on this list (such as lawyers, investment bankers etc.), so it’s tough to say definitively who makes the most money per day across all professions.

How Much Does Jeff Bezos Earn Per Day?

As of March 2018, Jeff Bezos’ net worth is estimated to be $131 billion. This means that he earns approximately $359 million per day.

Here's How Much Money Bill Gates Makes In A Day


In a recent blog post, Gates revealed that he makes more than $1 million per day. This is thanks to his sizable stake in Microsoft, which is currently worth around $90 billion. Gates also has investments in other companies, including Cascade Investments and Canadian National Railway.

In total, Gates’ net worth is estimated to be around $89 billion.


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