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HomeAutoKnow The Top Scholarships To Study In USA by Overseas Experts

Know The Top Scholarships To Study In USA by Overseas Experts




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There are many reasons to study in USA for higher education. From top institutes to the best housing USA helps students in several ways. However, the USA grants many scholarships to students. This helps students to manage their expenses in the USA.

However, there can be many answers to the question ” Why USA for Study” like top colleges and best courses. But, scholarship is the top reason to study in the USA.

 In this article let’s know about top scholarships in the USA.

Scholarships in USA

There are a number of scholarships that students enjoy in the USA. Some of the scholarships are given by the US government, some are given by private firms. In addition, colleges also grant scholarships to students on the basis of their achievement or need. However, it becomes confusing for students to choose the best program for them. So, let’s discuss about the top scholarships that students can enjoy while they study in USA.

Fulbright foreign student program

This financial aid program is most famous among international students. This is because the US government sponsors this program to support studies for nearly 4000 students in the USA. Students who get this financial aid don’t have to spend a single amount on their education. In simple words, this is a fully funded program that helps students in many ways. Students who get this scholarship enjoy

1. Full tuition fees

2. Books support

3. Visa cost

4. Air ticket to and from home country

5. Health insurance

6. Living expenses as a stipend

Hubert Humphrey fellowship program

It is an important scholarship program. The government of the USA is responsible for sponsoring funds for this program. So, students who apply and get this financial aid program enjoy benefits as

1. Full tuition fees

2. Books support

3. Health insurance

4. Air tickets to and from home country. In addition, you can also enjoy free domestic flight tickets.

5. One time subsidy on computer

6. Living cost

Rotary peace fellowship

This is an international scholarship program. Students can enjoy this scholarship program in different countries in the world. Students who wish to study master’s degree or other professional course can apply for this program. However, it benefits students in

1. Tuition fees

2. House rent

3. Complete travel cost (To and from your country and local transport)

4. Complete study expense

In addition, students who get this scholarship get internships to brush up their skills.

Freedom foundation scholarship

This scholarship is given by a private firm. Many American billionaires fund the firm to support education for the students. Students who get this scholarship can enjoy these benefits for one year.

1. Housing rent

2. Air fair

3. Health insurance

4. J-1 Visa

5. Local transportation

6. living cost

7. Internship chances

The Gates scholarship program

It is a prestigious American financial aid program. So, it applies to all institutes in the USA. It gets funding to support students from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. However, it benefits the students in

1. Full refund on the expense of the studies

This is because the firm has a tag line “any other scholarships, grants, financial aid = Gates Scholarship Award Amount”

Eligibility To Get Scholarship

There are different types of scholarships given to students to study in USA. These scholarships have different requirements that students need to fit in to enjoy the financial aid. However, the common factor in getting financial aid is documents. Students must have these documents to get these scholarships:

1. Copy of academic scores in GPA– Every financial aid is given on the basis of the merit score of the students. So, students have to submit their academic transcripts to get a financial aid.

2. Scores of standardized tests—Students have to take an entrance test to get admission to top institutes with their favourite courses. So, students have to submit a copy of their score card with the form.

3. Passport– There are some scholarships that are given only to students from a specific country. So, students have to submit a copy of their passport to enjoy a scholarship. This is because a passport is a national ID abroad.

4. Language proficiency proof– It is important to give a language proficiency test to travel to another country. So, some programs ask for the score of this test to grant financial aid to students.

5. Recommendation letter– You can get this from your institute. The firm asks for a recommendation letter to know that you really need financial aid to complete your studies.

General Process To Get The Financial Aid

However, there are many reasons that answer the question ” Why USA for study “but, scholarships are the top answer by the experts. So, experts guide students to get the financial aid by following the further steps.

1. Search for scholarships—There are many scholarship programs to support students. Students first find financial aid that benefits them throughout their study abroad journey.

2. Check eligibility—Every financial aid program has its own requirements. Students must check for these while shortlisting the top programs.

3. Arrange all necessary documents—Students must submit some documents to verify their request for financial aid. So, they must start arranging all the papers.

4. Apply for multiple scholarships– You can apply for many programs to get maximum benefits for your trip to study in USA.

Summing Up

The USA is an expensive country to study abroad. So, the USA government, colleges and private firms award bright students with scholarships. So, there are many scholarship programs in the USA. All these programs have different benefits for the students. However, it makes it difficult for students to select the best option. So, many students take advice from a good study abroad consultant in India. They help students by telling them about the best program. In addition, they also help students to get a scholarship. Moreover, they also guide students in arranging the right papers. Thus, students get financial aid under the guidance of an expert.


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