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HomeBusinessMobility Aids For Walking That’ll Keep You More Independent In Your Own...

Mobility Aids For Walking That’ll Keep You More Independent In Your Own Home




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Wanting to stay independent and remain in your own home may not be a problem if you can find the best mobility aids for walking around the house. Whether you are elderly, disabled or recovering from surgery, there are quite a few mobility walking aids and walking assistance devices on the market to give the walking support you need. These assisted walking devices not only improve mobility but also foster independence and confidence in daily activities around your home.

So, if you have good upper body strength and just require walking aids for balance. Or have more convoluted needs and want a more extensive walk assistance solution. Then keep reading the blog post for some great ideas of products.


Walkers are one of the best walking aids for elderly or disabled people. Featuring a lightweight frame, they aid with balance and mobility.  However, they tend to be a bit heavy to cart around as a walker aid for elderly people. Therefore, a model featuring wheels is an option worth exploring.

Rollator Mobility Walkers

Rollators integrate the benefits of walkers with wheels, so they are easier to move around and maneuver. It means they are one of the ideal walking aids for disabled or elderly people. Featuring a light aluminum frame and either 3 or 4 wheels, they are also available as a folding variant that slips easily into the back of a car.

Some models also come with accessories, for instance, ergonomic handles, storage compartments, padded seat cushions and cup holders.

Not to mention, as they are popular elderly and disabled walking aids, they are easily available in varying types and styles. So, make sure to choose one that suits your specific requirements in terms of weight capacity, height adjustability, & overall functionality. 

Stairlifts and Home Lifts

If you are considering assisted walking devices for elderly, you must also have a look at lifts for homes or a stairlift. These mobility aids ensure that your relative or friend stays independent in their own multi-storey home.

Moreover, you may want to consider investing in transfer aids like a hoist or mobility transfer boards which are designed to assist people with more complex needs.

Get Professional Guidance

Lastly, it is recommended to consult with your own healthcare professionals or occupational therapists to determine what level of aid you need. Whether you are checking out walking assistance devices for elderly relatives; or disability walking aids or mobility aids for young adults; or just want to select options if you had a knee or hip injury; whatever the case may be your own healthcare worker can guide you on what you really need according to your individual needs and abilities. However, the above given ideas will work great to help adapt your home to suit your needs.


Hopefully you have enjoyed this guide to choosing the best home mobility aids for walking support. If you have found these ideas helpful, or you know about a walking assistant device other than these, then voice your opinion in comments below!


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