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HomeBusinessPursue Your Medical Dreams: A Guide to Studying MBBS in Uzbekistan

Pursue Your Medical Dreams: A Guide to Studying MBBS in Uzbekistan




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Uzbekistan, a Central Asian nation steeped in history and culture, is emerging as a preferred destination for international students seeking a high-quality and affordable medical education. This article delves into the compelling reasons to study MBBS in Uzbekistan, explores the eligibility criteria, and provides a breakdown of tuition fees at leading universities.

Why Pursue MBBS in Uzbekistan?

For aspiring doctors from across the globe, particularly from countries with high medical education costs, Uzbekistan offers a multitude of advantages:

  • Cost-Effectiveness: Compared to Western nations and some Asian counterparts, MBBS programs in Uzbekistan boast significantly lower tuition fees. This financial accessibility makes it an attractive option for students seeking a quality medical degree without an exorbitant price tag.
  • English Medium Instruction: The MBBS curriculum in Uzbekistan is delivered entirely in English. This eliminates language barriers for international students, fostering a smooth learning experience.
  • Globally Recognized Qualifications: Medical degrees awarded by accredited Uzbek universities are recognized by international organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO). This allows graduates to pursue careers and licensing opportunities worldwide after passing the necessary exams in their desired countries.
  • Strong Academic Foundation: Uzbekistan has a long-standing tradition of academic excellence. Medical universities in the country are equipped with modern facilities, experienced faculty, and a focus on practical training alongside theoretical knowledge.
  • Safe and Secure Environment: Uzbekistan is renowned for its hospitality and safety. The country boasts a low crime rate, making it a welcoming environment for international students.
  • Culturally Rich Experience: Studying MBBS in Uzbekistan presents an opportunity to immerse oneself in a vibrant and historically significant culture. Students can explore ancient cities like Samarkand and Bukhara, delve into delicious Uzbek cuisine, and broaden their horizons.

Eligibility Criteria for MBBS Programs in Uzbekistan

To be eligible for MBBS programs in Uzbekistan, international students must meet the following criteria:

  • Minimum Age: Applicants must be at least 17 years old in the year of admission.
  • Educational Background: Students must have successfully completed their secondary education (Class 12) with Physics, Chemistry, and Biology (PCB) as mandatory subjects.
  • Minimum Marks: The minimum percentage score requirement varies depending on the university. Generally, universities expect a minimum of 50% marks in PCB subjects for general category students, with a relaxation of 5-10% for applicants belonging to reserved categories.
  • Entrance Exams: Some universities may conduct their own entrance exams to assess an applicant’s suitability for the program.
  • Medical Fitness: Students must undergo a mandatory medical test to ensure they are physically fit to pursue the demanding medical curriculum.

Documents Required:

  • School leaving certificates (Class 10 & 12) with transcripts
  • Migration certificate
  • NEET (National Eligibility Entrance Test) scorecard (if required by the university)
  • Valid passport
  • Medical fitness certificate
  • Photographs

It’s crucial to check the specific requirements of your chosen university well in advance to ensure you meet all eligibility criteria.

MBBS in Uzbekistan: A Breakdown of Fees

The cost of studying MBBS in Uzbekistan is significantly lower compared to many other destinations. Here’s a glimpse into the tuition fees at some of Uzbekistan’s leading medical universities (approximate figures in INR):

  • Samarkand State Medical Institute: ₹15,56,112
  • Tashkent Medical Academy: ₹14,00,000
  • Bukhara State Medical Institute: ₹15,05,000
  • Andijan State Medical Institute: ₹15,05,000

These figures typically represent the total tuition fees for the five-year academic program. Living expenses, including accommodation, meals, and transportation, are additional costs to consider. However, the overall cost of living in Uzbekistan is relatively inexpensive.

Additional Considerations

  • Visa Requirements: International students need to obtain a student visa to study in Uzbekistan. The application process typically involves submitting an acceptance letter from the university, proof of financial support, and other necessary documents.
  • Accommodation: Most universities offer on-campus housing facilities for international students. These hostels provide a comfortable and secure living environment.
  • Health Insurance: Securing health insurance coverage for the duration of your studies is advisable.


Studying MBBS in Uzbekistan presents a compelling opportunity for aspiring doctors seeking a high-quality and affordable medical education. With its globally recognized degrees, English medium instruction, and a safe and culturally enriching environment, Uzbekistan is rapidly becoming a preferred destination for international medical students. Carefully research universities, ensure you meet the eligibility criteria, and embark on your rewarding medical


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