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HomeUncategorizedUseful tips on how to cure plantar fasciitis in one week

Useful tips on how to cure plantar fasciitis in one week




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The condition plantar fasciitis can cause significant discomfort and pain to the patients. Hence, they might find it difficult to walk or move around. Here, we will be seeing the different tips on How to cure plantar fasciitis in one week.

When it comes to problems like plantar fasciitis, taking the appropriate measures is very important. A slight mistake can aggravate the plantar fasciitis issue to a big extent. So, make sure you are following the treatment tips correctly to cure the problem within one week’s time.

Here, we will be offering a brief idea regarding the plantar fasciitis condition. Followed by that, we will be looking at the treatment tips that have to be followed for combating the problem of plantar fasciitis easily. So, without wasting further time, let us find out all about this health problem and its management.

Learn about plantar fasciitis illness

Before looking at the different tips on how to cure plantar fasciitis in one week, we must understand the basic aspects of plantar fasciitis. Many people experience the problem of heel discomfort because of plantar fasciitis. This condition occurs because of the inflammation of the plantar fascia. Plantar fasciitis can occur in one foot or both the feet at the same time.

For those who don’t know, plantar fascia is a fibrous attachment that helps in connecting the heel area to the ball of the foot and the toes. This attachment is very similar to a ligament and is quite powerful as well. At the same time, this attachment has amazing stretchability too. The plantar fascia essentially forms our foot’s arch. It also joins the bones that are present in the foot.

During certain instances, the plantar fascia can get overextended or overworked. The plantar fascia can also get swollen because of injuries. This in turn leads to the development of plantar fasciitis. When suffering from this issue, the patients will find it very difficult to walk or use that particular foot. So, they will look for different kinds of tips for managing the plantar fasciitis condition.

Different tips on how to cure plantar fasciitis in one week

We have learned all about the condition plantar fasciitis. Now, it’s time to look at the different kinds of tips that can be used for the task of curing the plantar fasciitis condition within a week’s time.

  1. Ice
  2. Athletic tape & Shoe inserts
  3. Night splints
  4. Heel Foot cups
  5. Exercise and stretching
  6. Foot massage

These are the different tips that you can use for managing the problem of plantar fasciitis. Now, let us go through each of these tips one by one.


When it comes to relieving inflammation, ice can be considered as one of the best remedies. In this case, you will have to take some crushed ice and put it into a plastic bag. Then, you have to wrap a towel around this plastic bag. Instead of the ice filled plastic bag, you can also consider using a container of frozen corn or peas. Then, you have to place it over the heel area around 3 to 4 times everyday. During a single session, you must try to use the ice pack for around 15 to 20 minutes time. Some people put ice and water in a shallow pan. Then, they soak their heels in this water for 10 to 15 minutes.

Athletic tape & Shoe inserts

An effective tip on how to cure plantar fasciitis in one week is the use of athletic tapes and shoe inserts. Athletic tapes can offer immense support to the affected area. It will also prevent the aggravation of the plantar fasciitis condition. They are known by a number of names, like insoles, orthotics, arch supports, etc. These inserts will give you a cushioning effect along with amazing support.

Night splints

The plantar fascia gets shortened when a person sleeps with their feet pointing downwards. If you wear night splints, then you will be able to maintain the 90-degree angle of the feet. This will avoid the shortening of the plantar fascia to a large extent. In addition to that, you will also be getting a healthy and continuous stretch with the help of the night splints.

Heel Foot cups

As we all know, whenever our heel strikes the ground, it puts immense pressure on the plantar fascia. This problem can be solved to a big extent with the help of the heel-shaped padding. These paddings or foot cups have the capacity to lift the heel to ease the pressure to an immense extent. The heel foot cups are quite inexpensive and the people who are suffering from the problem of plantar fasciitis can definitely give these foot cups a try.

Exercise and stretching

Another tip on how to cure plantar fasciitis in one week involves efficient exercises and stretching. You can try flexing your achilles tendon, calves, as well as foot soles correctly. You can also try doing different kinds of activities that have the capability to strengthen the muscles that are present in the feet and lower leg area. These exercises have the ability to stabilize the ankle region to a big extent. This will reduce the plantar fasciitis pain and will also prevent the recurrence of this condition.

Foot massage

For doing the plantar fasciitis illness foot massage, you can take the help of a tennis ball, golf ball, mobility ball, etc. Here, all you have to do is roll the ball beneath the affected foot. While doing so, you will have to exert constant pressure. Before initiating the rolling action, you will have to press the ball steadily on the painful region of your foot for a few seconds.


We have learned about the different tips on how to cure plantar fasciitis in one week. As we can see, all the discussed treatment tips are very effective and they will offer you a good relief from the condition – plantar fasciitis. If you follow these tips correctly with adequate quantities of rest, then you will be able to notice good differences within a week’s time.  


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