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HomeTravelWhy the Best Backwater Resorts in Kerala Are a Photographer’s Paradise

Why the Best Backwater Resorts in Kerala Are a Photographer’s Paradise




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Are you a photography enthusiast seeking the perfect blend of nature, tranquility, and picturesque landscapes? Look no further than the mesmerizing backwaters of Kerala. Nestled in the southern part of India, Kerala is renowned for its serene backwaters, lush greenery, and vibrant culture. Among the myriad experiences it offers, a backwater ride in Alleppey stands out as a must-do activity, providing a glimpse into the timeless charm of Kerala’s countryside. But what truly enhances this experience is staying at one of the best backwater resorts in Kerala. Let’s delve into why these resorts are a haven for photography enthusiasts.

Best Backwater Resorts in Kerala

  1. Tranquil Ambiance: As you step into one of the best backwater resorts in Kerala, you are greeted by a sense of serenity that envelopes you like a warm embrace. These resorts are often nestled amidst lush greenery, with the backwaters gently lapping at their doorstep. The tranquil ambiance sets the perfect stage for capturing stunning photographs that encapsulate the essence of Kerala’s natural beauty.
  2. Scenic Views: Picture-perfect views await you at every turn. Whether you’re lounging in your room or strolling through the resort’s sprawling gardens, the vistas of the backwaters against the backdrop of swaying palms and verdant landscapes are a sight to behold. Every frame tells a story, inviting you to capture the magic of Kerala through your lens.
  3. Charming Architecture: The best backwater resorts in Kerala are not just about natural beauty; they also boast of charming architecture that reflects the region’s rich heritage. From traditional wooden cottages to elegant houseboats, each structure is a work of art in itself. Photographers will find endless inspiration in the intricate details and timeless elegance of these buildings.
  4. Golden Hour Magic: Sunrise and sunset over the backwaters paint the sky in hues of orange, pink, and gold, casting a magical glow over the landscape. The golden hour is a photographer’s dream, offering unparalleled opportunities to capture stunning silhouettes, reflections, and play of light and shadow. At the best backwater resorts in Kerala, you can witness this breathtaking spectacle right from your doorstep.

Enhancing the Backwater Experience: Backwater Ride in Alleppey

  1. A Journey Through Tranquility: A backwater ride in Alleppey is an experience like no other. Drifting along the serene backwaters on a traditional houseboat, you’ll be transported to a world of tranquility and beauty. The slow, rhythmic movement of the boat and the soothing sounds of nature create the perfect setting for photography enthusiasts to unleash their creativity.
  2. Unspoiled Landscapes: As you glide through the backwaters, you’ll encounter unspoiled landscapes that seem straight out of a postcard. Paddy fields swaying in the breeze, coconut palms swaying gently, and quaint villages dotting the shoreline – each scene is a testament to Kerala’s untouched beauty. With every click of the shutter, you can capture moments that showcase the timeless charm of rural Kerala.
  3. Close Encounters with Wildlife: Keep your camera ready for unexpected encounters with Kerala’s rich wildlife. From colorful birds flitting about in the canopy to majestic waterfowl gliding gracefully across the water, there’s no shortage of photo opportunities for nature enthusiasts. With a keen eye and a bit of patience, you can capture stunning images of Kerala’s diverse fauna in their natural habitat.
  4. Cultural Immersion: A backwater ride in Alleppey is not just about admiring the scenery; it’s also a journey into the heart of Kerala’s vibrant culture. Along the way, you’ll pass by quaint villages where locals go about their daily lives, fishermen casting their nets into the waters, and children playing by the banks. These authentic glimpses of Kerala’s rural life are a treasure trove for photographers seeking to capture the essence of the region.

Tips for Photography Enthusiasts

  1. Pack the Essentials: Don’t forget to pack your camera gear essentials, including extra batteries, memory cards, and a sturdy tripod. You’ll want to be prepared for long days of shooting amidst the beauty of Kerala’s backwaters.
  2. Experiment with Perspectives: Get creative with your compositions by experimenting with different perspectives and angles. Whether you’re shooting from the deck of a houseboat or wading through the shallow waters, don’t be afraid to think outside the box and capture unique shots that stand out.
  3. Capture Candid Moments: Some of the most memorable photographs are those that capture candid moments and genuine emotions. Keep your camera handy to seize spontaneous interactions between locals, fleeting expressions, and everyday scenes that tell a story.
  4. Embrace the Light: Light plays a crucial role in photography, especially when shooting landscapes. Make the most of the soft, diffused light during sunrise and sunset to add warmth and depth to your images. But don’t shy away from shooting in challenging lighting conditions; sometimes, the play of light and shadow can create striking visual effects.


In conclusion, the best backwater resorts in Kerala offer a perfect blend of natural beauty, tranquility, and cultural immersion that make them a paradise for photography enthusiasts. Whether you’re capturing the scenic views from your resort or embarking on a backwater ride in Alleppey, Kerala provides endless opportunities to hone your craft and create stunning images that will be cherished for a lifetime. So pack your camera gear, embark on this unforgettable journey, and let Kerala weave its magic on your lens.


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